Sawaiengineer Line ID

บริษัท ไสว วิศวการ จำกัด
Sawai Engineer is a company which applies engineering for `` suitability design`` for Hydraulic oil in all industries. Of course, we used suitability control valves and accessories for this purpose. Technology pump and valves are part of power unit, we pride ourselves on being a ``engineering manufacturer``, seriously pondering how we can further improve the leak of fluid. We design line piping, including processing, assembly and maintenance as well. We not only seek and consider what is `` suitability `` from various perspectives but also properly put it into shape and provide. Although people tend to think of it as ``just assembly,`` we work on establishing hydraulic system. With such obsession and pride, we provide ``optimum hydraulic`` to customers.
104/54,104/56 ถนน เลียบคลองสอง แขวง บางชัน เขตคลองสามวา กรุงเทพมหานคร 10510โทรศัพท์ :